This entry is technically not related to sports. However, you may say that it is if you regard running with your backpack and fighting for the best position at the airport ticket counter as physically demanding.
The following is an email I wrote to CBS regarding the latest season of the Amazing Race on 24 April 2007:
"I have been a loyal follower of the Amazing Race for a number of years. I am writing here to give you ONE suggestion to resolve some of the most pressing issues of the race IN ONE GO.
The show has always been amazing and there isn't much to complain about. One of the best moves is changing the final challenge in each season into an "intellectual" one rather than a physically-demanding one, thereby leveling the playing field in the hope that teams who are physically weaker may benefit from it.
Meanwhile, there are controversies and outcry regarding Danny & Oswald's decision to sell the rights to Yield for money in the latest season. Many people are outraged by their decision, while some call it smart.
The money issue has simply rung a bell in me and there is a good way (I suppose) to tackle these two problems at one go: Why not create a final challenge involving using the remaining money that teams have in their possession? We the backpackers know that we all have to be responsible for our money, and by creating a challenge like this, the playing field will be further leveled and teams who save the most money will benefit greatly from it. Meanwhile, teams will have to be REALLY responsible for the money they have, and we will no longer see teams spending their (it's not even their own money!) money for unworthy causes, such as buying old newspaper to finish a roadblock, and buying "immunity" from being yielded.
I hope that my below-standard English will not hinder your appreciation and understanding of my suggestion."
Now let's just hope that they won't think that I'm totally insane, or regard me as yet another nameless Joe complaining and ranting about non-sense.
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